Monday, July 30, 2007


(USA) Washington Post: Muzammil the "Moderate" -- Commentary by Steven Emerson

(Afghanistan) Taliban claim to kill 2nd Korean hostage;_ylt=AoJXU8Y5bLj_.rKfPjI5HncDW7oF

(Pakistan) Rs 1m reward for bombing mastermind arrest\07\30\story_30-7-2007_pg7_17

(UK) 'Terrorist' defamation cases trebled

(UK) No proof Britain needs tougher terrorism laws, Parliament report says

(UK) MI5 betrayed me, says Guantanamo man

(UK) Britain And The U.S. Vows To Fight Against Al Qaeda-inspired Terrorism\ACQRTT200707301545RTTRADERUSEQUITY_1096.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked&lang=&link=&headlinereturnpage=

(UK) Is A "Fake Bomb" Journalistically Defensible?

UK pushing ahead with Basra exit plan

Hamas takes reporters on air conditioned tour of dusty Gaza

(Iraq) USA: Congress' lone Muslim member hears from Iraqi sheiks

Algeria hunts militants targeting foreigners: paper

(Mauritania) Questions Surround Terror Trial in Mauritania

Egyptian police dismantle terrorist cell

(Australia) Indian Cleared of Terror Links in Australia Wants to Go Back;_ylt=AhTt0jDW_dx93s4kRs.ewPsTv5UB

(Australia) Immigration Minister Andrews to release Haneef police info,23599,22163415-29277,00.html

(Australia) Enemies doctoring truth,22049,22159234-5001031,00.html

(Ireland) IRA: Gardai may not give evidence in Omagh bomb civil case

Other News:

(California) CAIRing School Districts

Uzbek authorities close independent Muslim weekly for alleged violations

(UK) Muslims protest over pet food factory that could 'rain down' pork

(Commentary) Why are we so scared of offending Muslims? by Christopher Hitchens
Hate-crime arrests in Quran desecrations at Pace University,0,6882662.story

(Iraq) Car bomb kills six in central Baghdad - in al-Tayaran Square,,12215_cid_2711942,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

(Iraq) Suicide fuel truck bomb, and car bomb targeting police patrol in Balad - on Sunday -- other violence in Iraq including three US soldiers killed Thursday

(Iraq) Report: Armed Sunni group reconciles with Iraqi gov't

(Iraq) Insurgents attacked oil refinery -- MNF statement

(Afghanistan) Taliban Ambush Kills Up to 13 Private Security Guards in

(Afghanistan) Afghans ask Taliban to extend talks on South Korean hostages

(Afghanistan) Taliban to make new decision on South Korean hostages -- previously extended deadline to 1130 GMT (7:30 AM EDT)§ion=subcontinent&col=;_ylt=ArVFBv6XjzBt16LtOjMMIaDOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban: South Korean Hostages will die Monday - also holding one German and 4 Afghan colleagues

(Afghanistan) Second German hostage "well" - body of first "had shot wounds"

(Pakistan) Seven killed in militant violence in NW Pakistan - three paramilitary soldiers and four civilians§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Pakistan) Militants seize shrine in Pakistan -- in northwestern Pakistan, rename it after Red Mosque, 10 die near Afghan border;_ylt=Aqkl0RfBrr1XdbXB7XaBd4DOVooA

(Pakistan) Two would-be suicide bombers head to Rawalpindi (my title)\07\30\story_30-7-2007_pg1_4

Pakistan: Identikit of suicide bomber released

(Pakistan) Roadside Bomb, Rocket Fire Wounds Eight Pakistani Soldiers

Pakistani gunship kills four in tribal area;_ylt=ArVbf.yhB2u0UrsJGmCR8HnzPukA

(Pakistan) Govt planning to shut down all Afghan refugee camps: Rind\07\30\story_30-7-2007_pg7_10

(Pakistan) Intelligence official and relative abducted in North Waziristan

(Pakistan) Three persons arrested in Balochistan for grenade attacks

(Pakistan) Militants flourish in al-Qaida's new haven, Pakistani leader faces bleak choices;_ylt=ArTjilB4L0IcUD0aQNtLzEfzPukA

(Pakistan) Al Qaeda divided over Pakistan strategy\07\30\story_30-7-2007_pg7_9

(Pakistan) Al-Qa'eda divided over drive to oust Musharraf

Pakistan says draft US 9/11 law could harm relations;_ylt=AolC3Lnvoh7tiehCkZ0tEprzPukA

(Pakistan) Musharraf may quit army to seal Bhutto deal: minister;_ylt=Ahg5JxKRdZtaYeduG1sM23LzPukA

(Pakistan) Red alert in Pak amidst presence of 600 bombers in Islamabad

(Pakistan) Shut down by September 27 or else...: Islamist threatens to bomb Rainbow Centre

(Indian Kashmir) Kashmir bus blast kills six tourists\07\30\story_30-7-2007_pg7_2

(Indian Kashmir) Top Hizbul Mujahideen guerrilla killed in Indian-administered Kashmir -- Farooq Ahmad Sheikh

(Indian Kashmir) Kashmir rebel group withdraws threat against migrant workers;_ylt=Ais04Qp0HkbbfZKEAJSAwXA1NXcA

(India) Charges to be framed in July 11 train bombing case

(India) Al Qaeda always present in India, says National Security Advisor

Bangladesh is a launch pad for terrorists infiltrating into India, says India’s National Security Advisor

(India Assam) Two ULFA militants arrested in Assam

(India) Maoists blow up railway signal system in Andhra Pradesh

(Somalia) 4 killed in Somali grenade, gun attacks - on Sundy in Mogadishu;_ylt=AuKPe7DSsYIHNiiPpkc_YGyQLIUD

(North Africa) Terrorism: Maghreb countries 'agree joint strategy' against al-Qaeda

Sudan sought Al-Qaeda's help to fight Darfur peacekeepers

Sudan Defense Minister: "Jews" behind Darfur conflict,7340,L-3431281,00.html

Lebanese troops bombard militants;_ylt=AnsiNt67LDAk_nGJ46yS_vzagGIB

Lebanese troops advance into siege camp;_ylt=AsmMwKfnh_fyS_5F9q0RAQDagGIB

Iran rebuilds Lebanon to boost Hizbollah

Iran: No higher talks with U.S.;_ylt=ArrFbRH4GZhSfG51uyhVofZSw60A

(Iran) UN inspectors due in Iran to visit nuclear site§ion=middleeast&col=

Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades attack Israeli settlements, military posts

Israel air strike hits Gaza -- wounding two members of Islamic Jihad and the Gaza commander of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades;_ylt=AhsWIg2tqlsj518c_qAKvyfuyucA

(Hamas) Report: U.S. coordinated security with 'top Hamas agent' -- Hamas agent believed to have infiltrated

Egypt says it needs international help to stop weapons smuggling into Hamas-run Gaza

Osama Bin Laden: Another old Bin Laden tape reposted to jihadist web sites

UK wanted US to rule out Bin Laden torture - report claims UK refused to pass on information in 1998 and 1999 to allow Bin Laden capture, unless promise of humane treatment,,2136650,00.html,2933,291358,00.html

(UK) Let's launch a 'cultural offensive' against militant Islam, Brown tells Bush

(UK) MPs oppose terror detention plans;_ylt=At9cAuVP9JDDPJQg8CT7V5YTv5UB

UK shoe-bomber Richard Reid: Allah will set me free

(UK) Many Asians 'do not feel British'

(UK) British South Asians don’t feel so British: survey\07\30\story_30-7-2007_pg7_7

(Scotland) Jihad musical "is not out to cause offence"

(UK) Analysis: Yet Another Group of British Homegrown Jihadists Sentenced to Jail

Freed Guantanamo inmates take up arms

(USA) Bush Urges Congress to Modernize FISA Law to Monitor Suspected Terrorists

(USA) Rat poison found outside DC subway systems (my title) - shut down 3 DC Metro stations

(Kazakhstan) Terrorist banker detained in Kazakhstan - Interior Ministry

Australia refuses to apologise to terror suspect doctor Mohammed Haneef;_ylt=AjEXcEx3I7iwt_4pK5ZVApYTv5UB

Terror Suspect Doctor Mohammed Haneef gets hero's welcome in India;_ylt=As90o8BeOOxLHiru0oNkyvoTv5UB

Australian police hit back over arrest of bomb plot suspect -- Scotland Yard accused of sending wrong information,,2137588,00.html

(Australia) Haneef associate suspended - Dr Mohamed Ali,23599,22160709-29277,00.html

(Thailand) Massive search conducted in Yala - to prevent violent attacks

(Thailand) Five more key insurgents suspects netted

(Thailand) 53 arrests in raids in far South

Philippines: Islamist groups target civilian says rights group - Islamist groups in the Philippines have killed or injured more than 1,700 people in bombings and other attacks since 2000

Philippines is Southeast Asia's terror hotspot: report;_ylt=AuWecu9t7nLaDxXclooxc79UKYUA

(Germany) US pressures German banks to halt business in Iran

Analysis: Defectors from the Jihad

Other News:

Commentary: Washington Post Continues the Parade of Whitewash of Islamists

(Turkey) Commentary: The Region: Beware of Turkey's Islamists

Norway: Syrian boy to be deported

Pope's private secretary warns of Islamization of Europe

(Michigan) School to install foot baths for Muslims,1,1405314.story?track=rss&ctrack=2&cset=true

Which travel insurance policies cover terrorism?

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