Monday, July 16, 2007


Pakistan scrambles to save militant peace deal

Pakistan seeks NATO compensation - regarding civilians killed in attacks on Taliban by NATO forces\07\16\story_16-7-2007_pg7_4

(India) Youth with links to Mecca Masjid-blast suspect nabbed

(Lebanon) Four more Lebanese soldiers die in battle for camp - At least 225 killed in battle;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=11u6julae/EXP=1184694086/**http%3a//

(USA) NRC Needs to Reform Nuclear Relicensing Criteria; New York Leads National Push

(USA) Charity leaders on trial for allegedly helping Hamas

(USA) Hamas Goes 'on Trial' in Texas in Case Over Muslim Charity

Hamas chief denies Qaeda links, urges Fatah talks

Hamas dismantles Fatah security forces in Gaza

Swiss deport man in plot to blow up El Al plane

Pilotless Robot Bomber Squadron Heads for Afghanistan, Iraq,2933,289380,00.html

UK Terror Investigations - Update and News Roundup - July 16

(UK Car Bomber) Kafeel's dream was to build housing complex where Shariat would rule

Analysis: More rumors of bin Laden's death
(Australia) Cabbies pushing Muslim DVDs: report - recruitment drive features "radical Islamic preacher"

(Spain/France) French judge files preliminary charges against 2 suspected Basque ETA separatists

Commentary: Our view on homeland security: Making a 'dirty bomb' looks much too easy

Commentary: 'Jihad will destroy us if we don't act now'

Commentary: On religion and peace

Commentary: Shariah Courts in America?

Commentary: Libya: Al Qaeda's next target?

Propaganda Alert:
Christian Science Monitor: "Yes, you can work with Hamas"

(Iraq) Twin car bombings in Iraqi city - kill at least 80, wound 150 - two suicide bombs: one in Kirkukmarket and one in Kurdish political office;_ylt=AhMxyLa0HG8.Evt.GhChGaVX6GMA

(Iraq) U.S. troops attack al Qaeda haven south of Baghdad;_ylt=AqUI_Vea1VMjUeIVdSSkNiAwuecA

(Iraq) U.S. troops face Mahdi Army in west Baghdad - Shiite militia is more powerful than Sunniinsurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq

Iraqi official says half of foreign detainees in Iraq are Saudis - update - Monday remarks by Iraqinational security adviser

(Iraq) Twenty Iranians on the run after Iraq jailbreak§ion=middleeast&col=

Iraq: PKK rejects Turkish claims

Miami: TSA: All Clear at Miami Airport Terminal After Bomb Scare,2933,289406,00.html

(Afghanistan) Two suicide attacks in Afghanistan, guard killed;_ylt=AgGpWsqenZHArg_2xZY3Y6jOVooA

Afghan, US forces kill several militants;_ylt=Asli3pMwh2z1PYB03W.KNMTOVooA

Pakistan probes links to radicals, Lal Masjid, and northwest frontier - 73 dead over weekend (mytitle);_ylt=AsQzz8eR2G45_oGviiAf0A7zPukA
(Pakistan) High alert sounded in Pakistan's twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi

Pakistan's Al-Qaeda zone poses dilemma for Musharraf: analysts;_ylt=A0WTcVfyUptG6hMAPhtvaA8F

(Pakistan) Thousands flee after Pakistan militants scrap peace deal;_ylt=Ap5XAk6OY8pLPtcMspJmJojzPukA

(Pakistan) Taliban recruiting children for suicide attacks; 3 teen bombers trained in Pakistan

Pakistan: U.S. supports deployment of troops in North West Frontier Province

(Pakistan) U.S. plans $750 million in aid for Pakistani tribal areas - in addition to billions to Pakistanfor military aid

Pakistan: Report: "Predator buzzed over Lal Masjid"\07\16\story_16-7-2007_pg1_7

(India Assam) Second kidnapped official found dead in India;_ylt=AgeJVvcM.r2.1ygLvWI6R45A7AkB

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Australia detains Indian terror suspect freed on bail - Mohammed Haneef locked up in immigration detention;_ylt=AqMxA7l5GjKQj20Quy3IeZQTv5UB

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Haneef lawyer to appeal visa cancellation,23599,22082886-29277,00.html

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Dr. Sabeel Ahmed remanded to custody till August 13

(UK Car Bomb Plots) Suspects released as police seek extended detention

UK monitoring 30 terror cells, 2000 suspects,23599,22084020-23109,00.html

(UK) The row over detention time for terrorism suspects§ion=business&col=

(UK) Leave terror detention to courts, says Brown's new security minister - does not want Parliament to set longer detention limits

(UK) More Tesco Stores Get Threatening Letters,,30100-1275415,00.html

(UK) Suspect package blown up at supermarket

(Somalia) Four killed in fresh Somalia violence - in Mogadishu;_ylt=Aik6mu9JN0RlLQyQ06MnvryQLIUD

(Algeria) Army foils al-Qaeda attack - in the troubled north-eastern Kabylie region,,2-11-1447_2147374,00.html

(Lebanon) Bomb hits U.N. peacekeeping vehicle in southern Lebanon

(Lebanon) Fierce fighting in north Lebanon camp;_ylt=ApwYSlkJ3WexKhzfhSE1xYnagGIB

(Gaza) Man dies after taken into custody by Hamas

(Gaza) Poll: In Gaza, Hamas popularity wanes, rival Fatah's increases after Hamas takeover

Hamas TV Follows Farfour with Nahoul the Bee - pledges to "take revenge upon the enemies ofAllah, the killer of the prophets and of the innocent children",2933,289378,00.html

Palestinian gunmen renounce attacks under Israeli amnesty deal

(Saudi Arabia) 16 Saudis transferred home from Guantanamo - a total of 77 Saudis released fromGuantanamo Bay

(Czech Republic) Thirty people suspected of terrorism were in Czech Republic

Newsweek: What can a stronger al-Qaida do?

(USA) Holy Land terror finance case heading to court -- After 14-year inquiry, jury selection beginsMonday

(USA) Analysis: U.S. may be numb to terror threats as real evil lurks - by James Gordon Meek

(USA) Washington DC Area to Get More Anti-Terrorism Funds

(USA) Report: Al-Qaida infiltrating America as patients - Clinics warn of medical visa scam by foreigners looking to get in U.S.

Iran military solution back in US favor

(Iran) Tehran says it will continue its nuclear activities

(Chile) Bomb Explodes Outside British Embassy in Santiago - no injuries,2933,289385,00.html

(Thailand) Rebels block roads in Thai south - 40 acts of sabotage on Monday;_ylt=Andic5R9MhAOw9HeHNhUgSHuNREB

(Thailand) Soldier wounded in Narathiwat bombing - 40 violent attacks using explosive devices androad spikes

(Thailand) Two Muslims killed in southern Thai unrest;_ylt=Ah8HO.MF2cLky8z58VQGMVbuNREB

(Thailand) Army hold mercenary terrorist

Philippine military warns of 'all-out war' against militants;_ylt=AkARap9EV64o3j4AFukkqG1UKYUA

Philippine Muslim rebels reject surrender of suspects in beheadings

(Philippines) Muslim rebels warn Philippines against retaliation - for beheadings of soldiers;_ylt=Ap6hSgXuBKx5mlzKNmuU9dlUKYUA

(Philippines) Left-wing lawmakers in Philippines seek repeal of anti-terror law

(Sri Lanka) Four shot dead after heavy Sri Lanka fighting - on Sunday;_ylt=AiHRL0AfhOixv9DcOu26Kq0tM8oA

(North Korea) U.N. Nuclear Inspectors Confirm Shutdown on North Korean Reactor,2933,289382,00.html

German President Koehler joins in debate over terrorism policy

Other News:

Libya: Compensation deal

Netherlands: A Judeo-Christian-Muslim state

Iran cracks down on 'unIslamic' dress,23599,22078454-23109,00.html

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