Monday, June 4, 2007


June 4, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News (still unformatted)

FBI warns on al-Qaida's English messages - intended to inspire others to attack Booby-trapped bus explodes in Baghdad, 15 people killed in sporadicincidents Terror Group Claims U.S. Soldiers Captured in Iraq Were Killed,2933,277657,00.html(Iraq) SITE Institute: "Clash and Capturing Three Americans in the Governorateof Baghdad" – A Video by the Islamic State of Iraq Issued Through al-FurqanFoundation New Islamic State of Iraq video link Officer: U.S. Military Can't Purge Iraqi Police of Violent Extremists LeT chief's brother deported from US to Pakistan - Imam at IslamicCentre of Worcester, MA, fought deportation Would-be suicide bomber dies in Somalia - Ethiopian troops firedMonday at a would-be suicide bomber speeding toward their base;_ylt=AnG.Yx9DOIHnizVwnsczJ4iQLIUD(Somalia) Islamist militants claim suicide attack on Somali PM;_ylt=AuF1y_47Db4WRkK2GMMjN9KQLIUDIsrael military court interns Hamas ministers for six months and Hamas operatives detained in counterterrorist activity inRamallah and Hebron - Senior Fatah attack planner captured, Hamas cell exposed Qassam, mortars fired from Gaza strike western Negev police seize 1.5 tons of explosives in central Sinai - to be smuggledinto Gaza"Al-Qaeda still in 1st grade" - terror expert -- Israeli conference on globaljihad calls for international unity to prevent strengthening of al-Qaeda,7340,L-3408673,00.html(Lebanon) Extremists planned uprising in Lebanon – report -- Fatah el-Islamplanned to establish "Islamic principality" in Tripoli,7340,L-3408624,00.html(Lebanon) Hezbollah reported rebuilding in Lebanon Deadly clashes spread in Lebanon camps as bomb hits capital;_ylt=Asy91VI9AnxQWltkhbKAF8owuecA(Lebanon) Bomb explodes in east Beirut, seven wounded - in Christian suburb Seven Turks killed in rebel raid (update) signs security pact with Kurdistan, warns Turkey not to invade JFK airport plot suspects appear in Trinidad court;_ylt=Am.VjOciWeqY9fAtUxMAx67MWM0F(USA - JFK Plot) Google As Terror Tool? JFK terror plotter directed cohorts touse satellite mapping service - JFK Plot) Trindad Muslim Group denies link to NYC terror plot - JFK Plot) The Trinidad Connection - The suspects in the alleged New Yorkairport terror plot have ties to the leader of a violent militant Islamist group Bay) Guantanamo judge drops Canadian Omar Khadr's charges- Judgesays no jurisdiction because not "alien unlawful enemy combatant" Bay) Ruling may halt Guantanamo trials;_ylu=X3oDMTBjcDR2NTN2BHBvcwM2BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=15582ejgm/EXP=1181069992/**http%3a// How young Muslims fall prey to militant thinking\06\04\story_4-6-2007_pg4_10(Indian Kashmir) Eight militants killed in J&K Kashmir) Villager killed, 2 injured in J&K blast Survey: 'government hasn't told truth about 7/7' - survey of 500 BritishMuslims - 25% of Muslims polled think authorities staged bombings, 60% believegovt not told truth on 7/7 bombings video: Muslim students seek clerics' jihad advice - to travel overseas andfight,20867,21850231-2702,00.html(Germany) G-8 Security Fence Troubling for Germans -- after Anarchist andCommunist terrorists allowed to injure 150 police Lanka) Suspected U.S. head of Tamil Tigers pleads innocent - Kandasamy & 4others accused of aiding foreign terrorist organization Prepares for First Strike in Electronic War,1895,2139044,00.aspOther News:Video: Muslims of AmericaFOX News gets up close look at Redhouse, Virginia compound home to nearly 100converts to IslamSpiritual leader is Pakistani imam Sheikh Mubarak Gilani who was beinginvestigated by Daniel Pearl Hampshire) Multiple wives often misunderstood, Muslims say Four executed in Pakistani tribal region for alleged illicitrelations A Muslim can renounce his faith, but only as set out by Sharia Smallpox alert in northeast India

(Iraq) Update: 14 U.S. troops die as battle deepens - Car bomb near U.S. baseunleashed chlorine gas sickening at least 62,1,4149813.story?c\oll=la-headlines-world&track=crosspromo(Saudi Arabia) U.S. withdraws invitation to Al-Buthi - Soliman Al-Buthi,designated terrorist for operating Al-Haramain, disinvited from embassy dinner Four killed in Algeria violence\33C406149(USA) Feds out to bust up 24-karat Web worry - E-gold Inc. an online bankingsystem allegedly favored by crooks & terrorists\t_up_24karat_web_worry.html(USA - NYC) Informant plays key role in JFK plot (convicted drug dealer posed aswannabe terrorist in group);_ylt=A9G_RyMviWNG\lVsB6w2s0NUE(Somalia) Somali premier blames al Qaeda for suicide bombing Russian workers kidnapped in Nigeria Colombia rebels reject Uribe's hostage deal effort

1 comment:

  1. Good one, now you can zoom in on the Bush Family compound, you couldn't 2 years ago...

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    spy on everybody

    let anyone do it
    give terrorists an edge
