Monday, June 25, 2007


June 25, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(USA - Padilla Trial) Jurors in Padilla terror support trial get lesson on bin Laden, formation of

(USA) Government report criticizes U.S. communication in overseas terrorism investigations

(Iraq) Two US soldiers killed in Baghdad area

(Iraq) Sunni Clerics Ask Shiites to Halt March - March by Shiites in predominantly Sunni area
could lead to more sectarian violence between the two sects

Taliban tries to recruit boy suicide bomber - 6 years old

Algerian troops kill six armed Islamists

(Mauritania) Suspected Islamist militants face Mauritania court

(Egypt) Al Qaeda in Egypt Leader Calls for Attacks On Women and Children - update on earlier

Pakistan Reluctant to Face Mosque Militants -- Islamic vigilantes growing in stature as
authorities watch

(Pakistan) Las Majid: Pakistan radicals to target dance clubs in international hotels

(Pakistan) Rushdie Knighthood violates UN code\06\25\story_25-6-2007_pg7_19

Commentary: An honor worth defending -- Ayaan Hirsi Ali -- regarding Rushdie Knighthood

(Israel) Olmert: 250 Fatah prisoners to be released,7340,L-3417444,00.html

(Gaza) Al-Qaida looming large in Gaza

Hamas websites feature WND article

(Lebanon) UN condemns "terrorist attack" on peacekeepers

(UAE) Bahraini's terrorism case in UAE put off -- Adel Mohammed Mehmood Abdul Khaliq

(Europe) US to begin fingerprinting European visitors at airports

French Elite Anti-Terror Unit To Triple in Size

(Germany) Could German anti-terrorism laws shut down Gmail?

Iranian President Volunteers to Serve as Human Shield at Natanz Nuclear Facilities - Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad: "we will sit down together in the nuclear facilities, and if they want to attack, they
will have to attack us first"

Other News:
(UK) Pakistani woman: My father tried to murder me' by honour killer daughter

(Iraq) Six tribal leaders among 41 killed in Iraq;_ylt=Amb8wNlW9h5SmLefhFgIhzRX6GMA

Iraq bombers kill 40 in 4 separate bombings, sheikhs opposed to Al-Qaeda among Mansour
hotel dead - car bombings in Baiji, Mosul, Hilla, and suicide bomber in Baghdad's Mansour hotel
- fuel tanker rammed police HQ in Baiji;_ylt=AmnFytjF1lzDb4Eu_8i11jVX6GMA

(Iraq) US-led troops find Qaeda "execution" den in Iraq,22049,21964298-5012771,00.html

(Iraq) U.S. warns of difficulty holding on to Iraq territory gains

Iraqi female journalist shot to death on her way home from work in northern Iraq

(Afghanistan) Sixteen dead in Afghan clash - on Sunday - includes 13 Taliban and 3 police - in
Zehri district of Kandahar province;_ylt=Akp1QUASgB.Yc_OfZGYpVjLOVooA

Afghan forces retake captured district of Ghorak;_ylt=AqeBQuV.W_8.eDV.pAihjDTOVooA

(Afghanistan) Taliban expected to free 18 kidnapped mine-clearing experts, official says;_ylt=AqjfupuEk26VXVMhZxupyX7OVooA

(Afghanistan) Most opium now processed inside Afghanistan: UN;_ylt=At5MoKcl7Xb8xlZ0GsqAejHOVooA

(Indonesia) Accused Asian terror leader warns more blood will be shed -- Jemaah Islamiyah's
Abu Dujana: Islamists will continue to target Westerners on the streets of Indonesia as they
fight to impose full Islamic law
(Indonesia) Muslims want back land, JI captive says,22049,21967883-5001028,00.html?from=public_rss

(Lebanon) Jihadists answer al-Qa'ida call to arms - call to flood Lebanon with foreign Islamic
extremists appears to have been heard,20867,21968216-2703,00.html

(Lebanon) Sniper kills Lebanese soldier fighting Islamists

Lebanon points finger at Islamists over UN attack;_ylt=A9G_RoDz0H9G9mwBVxAwuecA

Lebanon on alert after deadly UN attack - killed six UN peacekeepers;_ylt=AsbScaRUozIRRGjXtrUD0bLagGIB

(Lebanon) Spain's soldiers were killed by 50-kilo car bomb§ion=middleeast&col=

(Lebanon) Spanish Defense Minister in South Lebanon after attack on UNIFIL

(Lebanon) Three Australians held in Lebanon allegedly extremists: FM;_ylt=AlruGhXFdjHVuPbEiP94moTagGIB

(Lebanon) Australian Detainee's relatives deny link with terrorism

(Egypt) Militant calls for attacks on targets in Egypt

Egypt Al-Qaeda cell backs Hamas

Al Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri Calls on Hamas to Implement Islamic Sharai Rule in Gaza,2933,286520,00.html
(Al-Qaeda) Al-Zawahri: Muslims should support Hamas
(Al-Qaeda Video) "Forty Years Since the Fall of al-Quds [Jerusalem]" รข€“ A Speech by Dr. Ayman
al-Zawahiri Produced by as-Sahab Media
New message from Zawahiri: Forty Years Since the Fall of Jerusalem - copy of the video can be
downloaded here

Hamas releases tape of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit;_ylt=AjjEQP3gB6dsAOXwIodB2yLuyucA

"Fatah officers cooperated with Hamas in Gaza",7340,L-3417018,00.html

(Gaza) BBC captive Alan Johnston in 'bomb vest' video
(Gaza) BBC reporter in video warning against rescue§ion=middleeast&col=
Gaza BBC reporter's family urges captors not to harm him;_ylt=AheTU6YBVDfgWszMazIhJdwTv5UB

(Israel) Kassam rocket falls near Sderot

(Israel) IAF Terminates Gaza Terrorist Who Launched Rocket on Sunday

(Israel) Is al-Qaeda threat to Israel growing?,7340,L-3416751,00.html

Somali lawmaker ambushed, six wounded in grenade attack;_ylt=AgocyZFZEIsux4MseG86sYWQLIUD

(Pakistan) Five suspected Tajik militants arrested in Balochistan

(Pakistan) Three army personnel kidnapped

(Pakistan) Taliban blow up CD shop in NWFP

(Pakistan) An Islamic school taunts the Pakistani authorities

Pakistan minister rushes to Beijing after hostage crisis

(Pakistan/Germany) Suspected Terrorist had Access to Radioactive Material - access to a
research center in Karlsruhe, Germany

(Pakistan/Indian Kashmir) Terrorist Infiltration From Pakistan Cause For Concern: Defense

(Indian Kashmir) Thirteen people injured in grenade attack in Kashmir - at a bus stand in Doda

(Indian Kashmir) Eight terrorists and a soldier killed in Jammu and Kashmir - update

(India) Court sentences 9 Muslims to life for killing Hindu nationalist leader in India: prosecutor

(India) Three suspected Pakistan ISI agents arrested in Delhi

(India) Bomb attack on Soren's convoy -- in Jharkhand

(Bangladesh) Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) militant arrested in Rajshahi

(Turkey) Six Kurdish terrorists killed Southeast Turkey

(Turkey) Report: Turkey detains 5 people with suspected links to al-Qaida - on Sunday

(Germany) Iraqi jailed in Germany for supporting Islamic group linked to al-Qaida

(France) 'Silence is killing' Darfur, says Sarkozy

(Denmark) Copenhagen: Imams cooperating with Hizb ut-Tahrir

Iran: We'll launch Bushehr nuclear plant in October

(Iran) UN nuclear inspectors to go to Iran;_ylt=AiASernyuZIKW35BPltYh5hSw60A

(Australia) Muslim groups' united front - for terrorist group Hezbollah,22049,21962222-5001021,00.html

(Thailand) Suspected insurgent shot dead in Narathiwat

(Thailand) Thai army detains 160 in Muslim south raids;_ylt=AtQCkV__JFkahw3RKTuC5evuNREB

(Philippines) Italian missionaries seek talks with Philippine kidnappers;_ylt=AtNbAZdf4mQMHuEcrXESifNUKYUA

(Burma) Burmese 'terrorists' kill 27 on buses

(Sri Lanka) 15 LTTE cadres killed in separate incidents

North Korea says has funds, awaits U.N. team;_ylt=AkLTXhPUACyZa0ovf7syRL.CscEA

(Columbia) Bomb kills two in troubled Colombia port;_ylt=ArYaU8YfPPCQK6fJdmXI9gywv7kA

(Venezuela) Chavez Tells Venezuelan Soldiers to Prepare for War With U.S.,2933,286521,00.html

The Next Terrorist Targets Could Be the Satellites, Said US and Romanian Scientists

Preparing for a digital Pearl Harbor

(Guantanamo Bay) Closing jail 'will free terrorists',20867,21967988-2702,00.html
U.S. begs for passport workers
(USA) Postal Workers Take Part In Bio-Terror Drill

Daniel Pearl:

(Daniel Pearl) "A Mighty Heart" Gives A Free Pass to Terror

US State Dept Video: Daniel Pearl Story

Other News:

(Germany) Construction of mosque ignites German hostility

(Australia) Media Watch fails racism test,23663,21959678-10388,00.html

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