Thursday, June 14, 2007


June 14, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News

(Iraq) Al Qaeda in Iraq kills 14 hostages - executed 14 soldiers and police in a video posted
on the Internet§ion=middleeast&col=

(Iraq) Al-Qaeda military emir of Mosul killed - Kamal Jalil Bakr 'Uthman, aka Sa'id Hamza

(Iraq) U.S. Forces Detain 6 in Raids Targeting Al Qaeda in Iraq (updated) - 25 arrested over
past 2 days - members of a car bomb network,2933,282197,00.html

(Afghanistan) Update: 34 Taliban said killed in Afghanistan;_ylt=Ak0RoyBAo6yYbHC89RAQWojOVooA

(Pakistan) Gunmen kill 9 soldiers and police in southwestern Pakistani city, police say - in

Palestinian President Abbas to Dissolve Palestinian Authority Government in Wake of
Hamas-Fatah War - to declare state of emergency,2933,282195,00.html

Hamas rejects decision to fire Hamas Prime Minister Haniyeh - rejects Abbas decrees,23599,21909630-1702,00.html

Hamas liberation hails victory, "liberation" of Gaza Strip

Hamas Bringing Islamic Rule to Gaza Strip - "The era of justice and Islamic rule have arrived"

US: 'Hamas terrorizing the people'

Rice Calls Abbas After Palestinian Leader Declares State of Emergency,2933,282572,00.html

Hamas attacks, torches Fatah-linked radio in Gaza, Palestinian TV reports

Hamas says prominent Fatah gunman killed in clashes

Hamas Executing Men In Front Of Families

'The Gaza Strip has fallen' - 2 years after Israeli retreat, Hamas creating 'Islamic caliphate' in

Bomb strikes Palestinian radio - studio of the official Voice of Palestine radio overnight in an
attack blamed on Hamas,23599,21909622-1702,00.html

EU suspends Gaza aid due to "suicidal" fighting

Report: Hamas: Documents from GSS HQ prove Fatah links to CIA

(Gaza) Terrorists claim CIA files seized - Documents said to provide details of U.S. intel
networks in Mideast

West Bank: Fatah nabs 36 Hamas activists

Syria's Export of Terrorism to Lebanon: Threat and Response

(USA) Judge clears way for wounded soldier to collect judgment against terrorist - Federal
judge approves damages owed by Ahmad Said al-Khadr

Draft FBI rules to curb privacy abuse;_ylt=Aisxpp_gSmOvQNee1E7OFngTv5UB

US Court Ruling: How Will it Impact Coverage of Terrorism?

Interpol calls for funds to battle nuclear terror

NEIN Report: JFK bomb plot links to murder, Iran & top al Qaeda terrorist-at-large

(Iran) Terror 'Cell' Sweeps Tehran -- Increased use of cell phones to spread political dissent
creates new problem for Iran's hardline Islamic regime,2933,282456,00.html

Spain braces for rebel attacks

(Spain) ETA developing new bombing techniques in France

Colombian Terrorist Victims' Families File Suit in South Florida

(Columbia) French family pleads over Colombia rebel hostage - Ingrid Betancourt held by
FARC for over 5 years

North Korean funds transferred

Other News:
Video: 9/11 Quiz in NYC - respondents don't know when 9/11 happened, unaware of attacks
anywhere other than NYC, think Hindus responsible
(CAIR) Who Are CAIR's Paymasters?
(Russia) Prominent Islamic researcher warns against Wahhabism replacing traditional
Islam throughout Russia Report: YouTube hosts genocidal antisemitic videos Report: Montreal Muslim who killed his ex-Muslim brother: "All those who are
not Muslims are Satan"
Iran denying US-Iranian scholar representation
Iran censorship 'getting worse'
Iran moves to execute porn stars
New Jersey mulls banning Iran investments

Afghanistan Says 26 Taliban Killed in South,2933,282172,00.html

(Afghanistan) Afghan Defense Minister: Iran Not Arming Taliban,2933,282196,00.html

(Afghanistan) NATO: Taliban failed to mount spring offensive§ion=subcontinent&col=

(Afghanistan) Taliban commander Mullah Mahmud Baluch confirmed killed in Afghan air

(Afghanistan) Taliban is accused of murdering girl who had dared to attend school

(Afghanistan) NATO soldier "kidnapped by Helmand insurgents"

Iraq mosques attacked, curfew enforced;_ylt=Aoyfn1SyYoirtGpj2QA_REtX6GMA

(Iraq) Six Sunni mosques targeted after blast at Samarra shrine

(Iraq) Three Sunni mosques burned south of Baghdad

Iraq PM blames shrine guards for bombing

(Iraq) Explosions rock Baghdad, smoke seen by Green Zone

(Iraq) Pentagon: Violence in Iraq rising despite "surge"

Iraq: Suicide attack on Anti-Al Qaeda Alliance -- in Ramadi on Wednesday

(Iraq) Six Iraqis wounded in Kirkuk blast

(Iraq) US forces kill female terrorist, detain three others in Baghdad

Hamas now in control of Gaza Strip -- Key security HQ in Gaza City, last Fatah stronghold,

Gaza: Hamas to convert Palestinian Security HQ into Mosque

14 killed as Hamas capture major Fatah post§ion=middleeast&col=

Hamas warns Fatah not to move fight to West Bank

Dozens of Hamas activists arrested by Palestinian security forces loyal to Abbas in West

Abbas orders presidential guard to strike back against Hamas

UNRWA to scale back Gaza mission

Fatah blame Israel for the escalating security chaos in the Gaza Strip

(Syria) Report: Syria behind escalation in Gaza fighting

(Lebanon) Angry mourners lambast Syria at Lebanon MP's funeral;_ylt=AvqdOk7X9mqhvD4_ie86YO3agGIB

(Israel) Two Kassams land in Sderot

(USA - Ft Dix Plot) Men arrested for plotting attack on U.S. military base in New Jersey head to

U.S. treasury secretary calls on countries to step up efforts to combat terrorist financiers

FBI finds it overstepped in collecting data -- Internal audit faults national security

(Turkey) Kurdish rebels kill Turkish officer;_ylt=AtZijpd9wjcY0gtoGsvcz5ntfLkA

Somali gunmen attack Ethiopians, kill official

Kenya: Two Women Held Over Bomb Blast

(Nigeria) Army 'kills' Nigerian militants

Nigerian court frees oil militant

Iran says may cut more IAEA ties if sanctions worsen;_ylt=Al6y.qwmSwvJHlPf2rO1XQBSw60A

(Pakistan) Pro-Taliban militants taking over Tank\06\14\story_14-6-2007_pg7_10

(Pakistan) Militant group warns pro-govt tribal elders

(Pakistan) 22 music shops bombed in the Charsadda town of NWFP in recent months

(Pakistan) Taliban parade "criminals"\06\14\story_14-6-2007_pg1_2

(Pakistan) Bomb explosion in Mohmand Agency

(Pakistan) 4 terrorists arrested in Sui, large arms cache seized\06\14\story_14-6-2007_pg7_30

(Pakistan) Imran Khan says Muttahida Qaumi Movement leader involved in terrorism, money

Pakistan denies presence of Bin Laden, Mullah Omar;_ylt=A0WTUZPnSHFG7xMAeiEwuecA

(Pakistan) $50 million in US military aid to Pakistan restored\06\14\story_14-6-2007_pg1_6

Pakistani vehicles to be banned on Afghan crossing: official;_ylt=AqbDkWN6XXlK6MZvGPqjr3vzPukA

(India) 500 extremists killed in two years, admits Maoists in Chhattisgarh

(India) Two women sentenced to five yrs RI for role in 1993 blasts

(UK) Terror suspect Zeeshan Siddiqui on the run named as tube worker with links to 7/7

(UK) Man linked to bomb gang revealed to be on the run - Zeeshan Siddiqui, escaped from a mental health unit in Belmarsh prison last October,,2103039,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=15

(UK) Jihadi diary: Inside the mind - Zeeshan Siddique - dreamed of being Jihadist

(UK) Briton found guilty of Al Qaeda plot - Qaisar Shaffi part of Dhiren Barot Jihad group
plotting to bomb US financial targets

(France) Al Qaeda targets France --Working in Algeria, the terror group has been laying the
groundwork for attacks,1,2171068.story?coll=la-news-comment

Canada lobbies US on behalf of Guantanamo suspect Khadr;_ylt=AtAPts8wLO3fBY8RurJDPjYwuecA

Indonesian militants dented by leader's capture, threat remains;_ylt=AtU85U2CeICFDlOckzn2nGLaHXcA

Indonesia grills leading bomb suspect Abu Dujana

(Indonesia) Police step up hunt for terror group recruiter

(Thailand) Bomb wounds 14 police in Thailand;_ylt=AuAvCl76k.uCFb4g39M.8yDuNREB

(Thailand) 3 killed, 13 schools burned in southern Thailand;_ylt=Ao8ewJi56HiMNDHSPsceimzuNREB

Philippine general says Muslim rebels locate kidnapped Italian missionary

Sri Lanka rebels planning attack on Colombo port: report;_ylt=Aj17hRW_sdalnaj6PFzsJKItM8oA

(Sri Lanka) Filipino aid worker shot in Sri Lanka;_ylt=AqP0P11MEf6LvoEdziEujrBUKYUA

Other News:

(CAIR) US Muslim group denies decrease in membership\06\14\story_14-6-2007_pg7_59

(North Korea) 'Executions of cell phone users up in N. Korea'

(UK) The contemporary fight against anti-Semitism

(Italy) Protests at day release for Nazi war criminal,23599,21901108-1702,00.html

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