Thursday, May 10, 2007


Thursday, May 10, 2007 Anti-Terrorism News
(Iraq) Coalition Forces Destroy Terrorist Camp in Iraq - ABC News:F-16s destroyed truck-mounted anti-aircraft weapons & killed al Qaeda
(Iraq) U.S. forces fight for Iraqis’ hearts, minds - “fighting atwo-front war, block by block”
Iraq Qaeda-led group kills abducted officers-Web - Islamic State inIraq video of killing of 9 Iraqi officers
(Iraq) Pre-dawn clashes, air strike rock Baghdad§ion=focusoniraq
(Iraq) US military kills 3 militants in Baghdad raid§ion=focusoniraq
Iraq Sunni VP “comforted” by recent govt talks
(Iraq) Izzat Ebrahim ‘visited Saddam grave’ - Most wanted ex-regimeofficial still free
Iraq: Kurdish Arm of Al-Qaeda Claim Erbil Blast - “Kurdistan Brigade ofal-Qaeda in Iraq” part of Ansar al-Islam
Iraqi Christians demand protection from Al Qaeda§ion=focusoniraq
Saudis move to curb money laundering - Limits cash brought into or outof country, mandates banks to verify identities
(Afghanistan) Revived Taliban restrict Afghan aid effort
(Afghanistan) Former Afghan warlord says he can defeat Taliban - AbdulRashid Dostum, now ceremonial chief of staff, says he could raise armyquickly
(Afghanistan) Local villagers kill three Taliban in southernAfghanistan
(Afghanistan) Taliban makes bombs from Dutch aid - Dutch handsaws &batteries for civilians instead used in roadside bombs
(U.S.) Police renew focus on Muslim cabbies - “It’s a jihadi network”
(U.S.) Doctor testifies that he did not pledge support to al-Qaida -Florida doctor on trial in New York on terrorism charges
(Guantanamo Bay) U.S. charges suspected bin Laden driver - Salim AhmedHamdan charged with conspiracy and material support for terrorism
(U.S.) The Terrorists Next Door? - Washington Post on “Fort Dix Six”suspects’ neighborhood
(U.S.) Friend: Terror Suspect Had Bomb Recipes,4670,FortDixPlot,00.html
(U.S.) Brothers Charged in Terror Plot Lived Illegally in U.S. for 23Years,2933,270892,00.html
(U.S.) Serious Questions Raised About Terror Suspects - 3 suspects hadnumerous driving violations
(U.S.) FBI let terror plot linger, Cleary speaker says - StevenEmerson: “the most serious incident since 9/11”
(U.S.) Alleged Terror Front Group Sues Yale Press - KinderUSA sues overcitation in book on Hamas and U.S. charities by Matthew Levitt
(U.S.) Police, bomb dog search Colo. school (updated) - Cafeteriaworker saw 2 men in camouflage & ski masks enter building;_ylt=AkY_k0Vvi8H8i1jumeF0RmSs0NUE
(U.S.) Face recognition next in terror fight
Philippine rebels ambush police convoy, 5 killed
(Philippines) Gov’t says children of Indonesian terror suspect incustody - 4 children of Dulmatin, planner of 2002 Bali bombings, found onFilippino island
(Israel & PA) IDF uncovers bomb near security fence by Gaza and IDFarrests two Islamic Jihad members near Jenin
Hamas TV refuses to axe contested kids cartoon and Information Ministerdenies banning Mickey Mouse-lookalike TV show - Palestinian InfoMinister says program stopped but denies ban order
(Gaza) Gunfight mars new Gaza security plan - Clashes between Hamas andFatah security forces;_ylt=AlKIuafdEllNKROleKDtWUys0NUE
15 Gaza-Egypt Smuggling Tunnels Operating, Say Security Sources
(Lebanon) Trial of German train bombers adjourned for third time -Trial of 4 Lebanese accused of attempting to bomb German trains last July
(Lebanon) Qoleilat ‘sheds light on who killed Hariri’
Syria signals little cooperation with Hariri court;_ylt=Ag62KiE8RoY8xg74ThxDj_PMWM0F
Algeria: Head of Al-Qaeda linked Group Threatens Tourists in Maghreb -Abu Musab Abdel Wudud in first video
(UK) Extremist Bakri: “I Have No Organizational Links to FormerStudents in Britain” - Claims no activity in Britain since 2005
(Canada) Lawyers for terror suspect Abdullah Khadr ask court for moredisclosure - Accused of involvement with al Qaeda
(Canada) Algerian terror suspect appeals to top court to stay in Canada- Mohamed Harkat fighting deportation to Algeria
(Canada) Antiwar group backs working with Mideast radicals - Canadiansactivists urging solidarity with Hezbollah, Hamas
Pakistan rebel camps “smashed” - Musharraf claims over 60 camps inBaluchistan eliminated
(Pakistan) South Waziristan’s Maulvi Nazir: The New Face of theTaliban - Jamestown Foundation analysis
Pakistan builds anti-Taliban fence on Afghan border
(India) IB warns of terror attacks; LeT trains women ultras -Intelligence Bureau says LeT training in Pakistan
(India) Tiger Memon’s mother, brother are among 23 acquitted by Tadacourt - 23 acquitted in 1993 Bombay blasts case, including mastermind’smother, set free§ion=subcontinent&col=
Iran blocked UN inspectors on test visit to nuclear site;_ylt=AimcnH73riY3n0Dhd6UOQpbMWM0F
Iran: Former nuclear official released on bail and Iran’s EconomicCrisis (Amir Taheri)
(Iran) Tehran accused of harassing 3 Iranian-American women
Iranian exile group sues EU over terror list asset freeze - People’sMojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) on terror list
(Russia) Court orders arrest of 2 suspects in Moscow V-E Day terrorplot
Russia’s Security Service Says Foiled Major Bomb Attack
(Netherlands) Mohammed B.’s views as extreme as ever - Van Goghmurderer says anyone not serving Allah is infidel to be fought with sword
Greek terrorist group threatens more attacks - Leftist group claimsgrenade attack, promises more
(Columbia) Roadside bomb kills 10 Colombian troops - FARC suspected -second attack this week;_ylt=Al2rirDg7ElGiqdnbtxSZZFvaA8F
Colombia’s New Armed Groups - ICG study of post-AUC groups - Mexico:FARC Supports Leftist Groups - Report
U.S. probes Cuba hotel bombings - Luis Posada Carriles, cleared ofimmigration charges, might face charges over 1997 bombings
N. Korea cash may end up in U.S. bank - Special exemption from federallaw needed to transfer funds from banned Macau bank
(Japan) Offices of cult splinter group raided - “Ring of Light” splitfrom Aum Shinrikyo terrorist group, which attacked Tokyo subways in 1995

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