Thursday, May 3, 2007

"MORE" - TERROR NEWS - May 3rd

May 3, 2007 PM Anti-Terrorism News
(Miami) Padilla Trial: Potential terror jurors cite 9/11 doubts — saythey aren’t sure who directed 9/11 attacks because they don’t trustreporters or federal govt;_ylt=AqQZkaiXUD4u5oBM60CKAB4Tv5UB
(Iraq) U.S.: Insurgent figure killed in Iraq - U.S. Gen. Caldwellreports killing of Muharib Abdul-Latif al-Jubouri, al-Qaida’s info ministerand kidnapping leader, not al-Baghdadi or al-Masri;_ylt=Ajsh8_cXc_HQwvTS2vp938as0NUE
(Iraq) U.S. reporter does not recognize al Qaeda “kidnapper” andIslamic State of Iraq Denies Killing of al-Baghdadi, but Confirms Death ofal-Jabouri (shortened) (SITE Institute)
(Iraq) Military: New Iraqi school had bombs built in — U.S. troopersfind girls’ school rigged with explosives - Military suspects al Qaedawas behind the plot
(Iraq) New Cartel Joins Anti Al-Qaeda Front
(Iraq) al-Qaida Ousted From One Iraqi District - Tahrir neighborhood inBaqouba - Gunmen Storm Iraqi Radio Station (Sunni station in Baghdad)
(Afghanistan) Libyan blamed for bomb at Cheney visit - “Abu Laithal-Libi was the terrorist who planned the Feb. 27 suicide bomb”;_ylt=AnAuKe8wbbDbNu4tN2FBWeTMWM0F
(Afghanistan) ‘Al-Qaida leader likely behind Afghanistan bomb’
(Afghanistan) Taliban not decided fate of French hostage-report -Mullah Dadullah says Taliban targeting foreigners linked to U.S.-led forces
(Afghanistan) Ten counterinsurgency commandments from Afghanistan(commentary)
(Pakistan) MQM’s Altaf Hussain: ‘Lal Masjid Islamists tried to killminister’
(Pakistan) Maulana Khalil, four aides held - Ex-chief of Harkatul Ansarand 4 aides arrested\05\03\story_3-5-2007_pg7_5
(Pakistan) Islamabad tells NWFP to check Talibanization\05\03\story_3-5-2007_pg1_10
(UK July 21 Trial) London bombing suspect Yassin Omar ‘didn’t intend toinjure’
(UK) British Muslim Nabeel Hussain cleared of bomb plot says he wasduped by terrorists
(India & UAE) Hawala kingpin admits routing funds to Al-Qaida - NareshChandra Jain routed funds to Al-Qaida & linked to Dawood Ibrahim
‘Palestine’ daily launched in Palestinian territories, caters to Hamassupporters
(Jordan) Making of martyrs and training of terrorists in a Jordaniancity - Imams in Zarqawi’s hometown incite youths to suicide bombings
(US/Syria) Rice and Syrian FM meet, focus on Iraq;_ylt=AtPpKY74ASPzoOPuYsJOF._MWM0F
(Turkey) Fears of an Islamic Agenda in Turkey
Somali gunmen hijack 3 Finnish fishing vessels, officials say andMogadishu businesses handover weapons
Yemen: Jews chased from their homes by Shiite rebels
(USA) 2007 National Money Laundering Strategy Released - Report onfederal efforts against money laundering & terrorist financing report Money laundering plan targets bulk cash, trade
(USA) Cell Phone Money Transfers: Counterterrorism’s Worst Nightmare?
Philippines: Muslim Rebels Using Kites Against Helicopters, Says Pilot
(Nigeria) Gunmen kidnap 20, free 8 in Nigerian oil delta;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg—/SIG=157d51pcl/EXP=1178303752/**http%3a//
(Canada) FBI’s Canadian songbird - Mohammed Mansour Jabarah giving infoon al-Qaeda leaders to US
(Australia) US officials to grill Hicks again,23599,21669961-1702,00.html
Sri Lanka: International Airport Ordered Closed at night
Other News:
Rosie O’Donnell makes Time’s most influential
March 20, 2007: Rosie O’Donnell: Was 9/11 inside job to protect Enron?Blog suggests destruction of federal investigations factor in terrorattacks

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